Thursday, March 12, 2009

Video Violence "Could this happen at your Video Store?"

Director: Gary Cohen

Starring: Gary Schwartz & Chick Kaplan


"Video Violence" is about a couple who has just moved to a new town and has just opened a video store. Checking in movies one morning, they find a blank video tape that doesn't belong to them. Deciding to watch it, they discover it is a snuff film and being murdered is the local post man. Things slowly go from bad to worse when the police captain won't believe them and they keep receiving more video tapes containing murders.

"Video Violence" sealed the fact for me that I hate movies shot on video. I understand a limited budget was used, but video just doesn't look good to me. I was ready to pop my own ear drums having to listen to the score of "Video Violence." It was like the dude who did the score thought to himself, "How bad can I make this suck and end my career?" Acting is pretty nonexistent and the FTC should file a legal suit against whoever designed the DVD art stating how much gore is in it.

Even though I just complained about the amount gore, the gore that is shown is probably the only thing going for "Video Violence." The goreshots presented in "Video Violence" are really quick however. They are on screen and then quickly off the screen. However, the gore looks really good. For example, there is one scene were one of the killers carves his name into a girl's chest, it looks very convincing.

Only if you are a complete gore enthusiast would I recommend you punish yourself and watch "Video Violence."

3 out of 10

I could not find the trailer for "Video Violence," so here is a goreshot from the movie:

1 comment:

  1. What is the lowwest rating you will give a movie? You see so kind.
