Starring: Bradley Cooper & Vinnie Jones
Based on a Clive Barker (writer and director of "Hellraiser," and hey, who doesn't like "Hellraiser") short story, "Midnight Meat Train" is about a photographer following a serial killer.
There is actually a lot more to the plot, but because I don't want to ruin anything for you, I won't say. But if you are aware of some of Barker's other work, you know it is going to be gruesome and far out there.
One of the coolest things about "Midnight Meat Train" is also one of the worst things about "Midnight Meat Train," and that would be the gore. There is so much of it. Blood, heads, eyeballs, limbs, teeth, and fingernails fly freely in "Midnight Meat Train." However, about 93% of the gore is CGI.
Other positive things about "Midnight Meat Train" would be the score, the lighting, and I thought the director of photography just did an awesome job.
While watching "Midnight Meat Train," you may ask yourself several questions, such as:
Is the killer a ghost?
Is everybody in on it?
Is it just his imagination?
Who cleans up all the blood?
Whats up with those monsters?
Whose the bad guy in this?
Did I miss the coming attractions?
Is Tom Cruise in this?
I'm upset I don't own a personal copy of "Midnight Meat Train."
For Fans of Gore and Original Horror.
7 out of 10